Slides from my UMB presentation

As you may have heard, I gave a keynote presentation on Wednesday at the University of Maryland-Baltimore Health Sciences and Human Services Library’s “@Hand Symposium on Mobile Technologies in Medicine and Academia.” It’s not something I’ve done a lot of, but feedback has been positive. I’m still waiting to see the audience evaluations, though.

I understand the whole symposium was streamed live on the Web–something I didn’t know until after the fact. I also wasn’t aware that there was a video camera in the room, since it apparently was hidden in the same drop-down compartment that holds the video projector.

UMB is in the process of archiving the video and will make it available for streaming on the symposium site, probably sometime next week. In the meantime, here is a PDF of my slides.

Thanks to Hello Health co-founder Dr. Sean Khozin, Dr. Andrew Barbash of Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Md., Peter Waegemann of the mHealth Initiative, Dr. Steven Lane and Dr. Enoch Choi of Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Michele Guthrie of the West Wireless Healthcare Institute and Joyce Lofstrom of HIMSS for providing me with photos and graphics for the presentation. And, of course, a big thanks to the staff of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library for inviting me. Unfortunately, the library’s executive director, M.J. Tooey, was stranded in Italy thanks to the cloud of volcanic ash that covered much of Europe this week.